JOZEF Youssef


Jozef’s work has been quoted and featured in a number of publications and media, including:

BBC World News (TV)
BBC World Service (Radio)
The New Yorker
Radio New Zealand
Financial Times
FOUR Magazine
The Psychologist
Nature – Podcast & Article
The Independent

The Food Mentor

From Michelin Star restaurants to improving the Nation’s health, chef Jozef has years of experience working in London’s most highly acclaimed Michelin star restaurants, including The Connaught and The Dorchester. Fasci­nated by science from an early age, he started working with scientists on various projects involving diet and its impact of both physical and mental health. It led to some significant findings.

He has published several peer-reviewed papers as well as his first book; Molecular Gastronomy at Home, he is currently an associate editor at the International Journal of Gastronomy and Food Science.

Chef Jozef Youssef or The Food Mentor as he is often referred to, worked closely with scientists at both Oxford University and Imperial College London to further his knowledge int he molecular structure of food and what elements do what to the body in terms of improving physical and mental health. He is the chef-patron and co-founder of the Kitchen Theory experimental dining experiences as well as the author of Molecular Gastronomy at Home, a simple introduction to the science behind modernist culinary techniques. He has lectured to audiences both i the UK and around the world.

His work, and those of his scientist colleagues, has proven that what we eat and don’t eat, plays a significant part in how our body functions, how it effects our moods and how we fight disease. Significantly notable is its part in reducing the recovery time of long covid.


Jozef’s work has been quoted and featured in a number of publications and media, including:

BBC World News (TV)
BBC World Service (Radio)
The New Yorker
Radio New Zealand
Financial Times
FOUR Magazine
The Psychologist
Nature – Podcast & Article
The Independent

For more information please call +44 (0) 7900 246045 or email: hello@hculinarytalent.com